
  • I do much of my Stata programming in Python. I have a package in Python to create LaTeX tables of regression output through Stata: with one call you specify a series of regression equations (typically as Stata code), nice substitutions of variable names to readable TeX, checkmarks or etc to indicate included dummies or sets of variables, optional colour to indicate significance, etc. It calls Stata, parses the output, and formats it prettily. Ask me. (Now in a fledgeling public version as "pystata" on my gitlab page.
  • I have a concordance table for ethnicities for GSS17, EDS, and ESC2 (wave 2 of the ESC) in Canada. I also have lots of code for recoding variables from these surveys into comparable form.


Computer Tools

  • I have written some classroom tools for active learning which make use of the class enrolment list.
  • I maintain a Google Calendar channel listing McGill academic dates (You can add it to your own Google Calendar by clicking on the big "+" button on the bottom right of the calendar). You can add it to other format by accessing it on
  • I have relied, since 1991, on Unix and GNU/Linux operating systems, and am somewhat of an advocate for open (freely examinable and changeable) source code. If you collaborate with me, you will likely need to take up LyX for writing papers (unless you already speak LaTeX) and you may even become a convert to Ubuntu (or its ilk), if you're not already using MacOS (which is, like Unix and GNU/Linux, a POSIX operating system).
  • I use emacs for a lot of things, including coding in Python, Org-mode for most note taking, and composing LaTeX. My emacs configuration is based on Jessica Hamrick's.
  • I have (POSIX) code for making nice two-sided two-up versions of PDF files (journal articles, etc) for printing to paper --- economically. Ask me.
  • Along with Professor Mike Peters, I maintained for ~6 years the UBC Economics PhD student accounts, some other services, and the Linux server on which they reside. But don't ask me questions until you have read carefully the FAQ page.
  • I have started a blog, largely on software lessons, at
  • I've lots of other notes on software on my personal site.

Chris Barrington-Leigh

2014 Chris Barrington-Leigh