For those who are just looking for a good, working operating system but are frustrated with Microsoft, I endorse the following advice (from someone more knowledgeable, 2005):
[2005] Having messed this up once, I suggest the following (to myself, at least) if someone wants help making a Windows / GNU-Linux dual boot system on one hard drive:
All I need in life for productivity software is the equivalent of Matlab, Adobe Illustrator, LYX, and Maple/Mathematica. Scilab may be an open source excellent alternative (not compatible) to Matlab [Actually, I think extensions (matplotlib) to Python may be a great alternative to Matlab! and easier for data manipulation], and OpenOffice Draw, Scribus, and Skencil each does some of what I need from Adobe Illustrator. Well, no. What about inkscape? xara? If Illustrator was sold for Linux, I would get that (maybe; recent OpenOffice might do it all now [? oh? having trouble importing .eps into nice editible form..]). I have licensed versions of Maple and Stata for Linux. Below are comments. It's sort of a dateless blog I suppose, in the modern language.
A favourite of mine.
There are references for installation -- see the Ubuntu Wiki on Matlab. I have found installation etc works nicely, though I don't use the graphical IDE for Matlab programming.
Got stuck on edgy. No, fixed it.
I use Matlab over X from a remote server.
Fantastic!! You can make graphical output simply disappear, in order to run off a server. This doesn't break even when my program gets static feedback from graphics objects (I guess they exist virtually):
Typically, I start off using fsolve, and then have to switch to fmincon because I need to impose constraints. For instance, non-negativity or non-complexity.
How to do optimisations constrained to solutions in real (non-complex) space?
Using fmincon, use the nonlinear constraint "realNonlcon" function (in my Utilities) to ensure real.
Don't forget! fmincon minimises! Use abs() if you are trying to solve an equation.
But fmincon doesn't take vector functions, so how do I solve a vector (ie a set of equations, maybe unrelated) of equations with in positive domain...?
27 March 2007.
Different ways to do this:
some user-contributed stuff that needs work (e.g. LinkSideAxisData): Advantage: extra scale on top or on side stays with you as you rescale your plot
using ``text'' to place text just outside the plot border (need to rescale axes to be big first, then place text, then resize to original; that way text is not hidden in bounding box... i suppose this is taking advantage of a bug in matlab). Advantage: can use latex interpretation of the label, unlike for ticklabels.
Also, matlab has a ``linkaxes'' function to link different axes so they resize together!
This is useful, maybe, in place of my own old ``printfigure''. Use the setpref once (permanent effect), e.g.:
yes, this gives much tighter bounds than my printfigure. Still, since I sometimes want tex'd text, I might need to invest in laprint at some point...
I cannot find how to make ticklabels use latex interpreter in matlab display!.
The user contributed ``laprint'' may be the elaborate but high-quality [but long and complex and inevitably buggy? danger!] way to go. It converts all text in a plot to latex code (!).
I still don't have a good replacement for an 8-year old version of Adobe Illustrator 8.01.
(Tried to install Illustrator 8 with wine)
(Tried to get laprint working with LYX. Quite difficult. Must remove language encoding to LATEX default...
But also, must use ps2pdf mode for viewing. (ie, dvi always looks garbage; conversion to ps is necessary). That means I cannot use this with Beamer!! No pstricks. :(
Also, must use explicit directory for .eps files in Laprint, since, LYX can't deal with .tex include files which refer to local .eps files! Since it compiles stuff in a temporary directory. I cannot see how to give an explicit eps directory from within Laprint, unfortunately. [Bug request sent to author]. Nor does it allow adding some text to the .tex file from within Matlab.
So my solution is to add a line such as the following to the LATEX preamble within my main, master document within LYX:
Using this whole method in LYX reduces the utility of LYX somewhat - it means that one cannot see figures graphically within LYX. It also makes the output format less transparent, since one is committed to dvips.
Google tells me that other people are doing somewhat similar things using xfig, which will export a pair of files (as does laprint), one eps and one latex's picture environment (rather than psfrag). Each has some advantage. But I don't know of the eps/picture option for matlab.
Of course, my favourite software. March 2006: I used the Customize feature in the pull-down Options menu to change backup-behaviour. Emacs now keeps old versions of files all in one place, and keeps only a few versions (under Ubuntu it seemed to be defaulted to dozens).
Why are sdiff etc so poorly documented? Well, emacs' emerge (M-x emerge-files) does nicely; see docs at This is useful for merging forked versions of code.
Feb 2006: Searching for good simple backup manager software. Have been using my own Perl script for some years. Found simplebashbu and backup-manager (under Ubuntu? good!) and Ubuntu's ``sbackup'' (GUI). I am trying the latter. After installation, access through Ubuntu menu system. After recent [2006] improvements to it, the auto SSH works beautifully. It is supposed to erase old files...
The SSH feature seems fussy. A working format for me is:
50 11 * * * find /backup -mtime +6 -exec rm -f {} \;
59 12 * * * rsync -vzr -delete -e ssh /backup
May2006: I'm not sure I like sbackup anymore, as bugs aren't getting addressed. Ubuntu seems now to be suggesting keep or backuppc; look at those...
Oct2006: No, sbackup is fixed and active.
Jan 2007: sbackup stopped working in December. It seems to crash when an old backup target directory is empty (and why is it empty? Also sbackup's fault? well, any failed backup crashes future backups)... yet another bug report. Apparently the author is too busy finishing up his Master's.
btw, to make automated ssh/scp/rsync etc (ie so above process doesn't need a password), I use the following (this makes it work both directions; only one is desirable) with a blank passphrase...
> typed "ssh-keygen -t rsa" as that user on ``from'' machine.
> connected from ``from'' machine to other via ssh ( typing password ) which makes ~/.ssh/known_hosts
> copied from ``from'' machineA ~/.ssh/ to ``to'' machineB ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
May2006: Oh! The obvious has been invented. Simply mount a foreign filespace through ssh!
[actually, in Dapper, I seem to have to do a ``modprobe fuse'' or to put fuse in /etc/modules in order to get /dev/fuse to exist... This may be a bug. Also, in order for root to be able to access an sshfs volume that a user has mounted, put the line ``user_allow_other'' in /etc/fuse.conf and then use the ``-o allow_root'' option in the sshfs call. Existing documentation is weak. So altogether, this seems not so user-friendly yet. There should be a gui to set up mounts and offer to make them permanent, etc. ]:
[June 2006] An upcoming version will allow fstab entry for sshfs. However, that is not an advantage. Because I have public keys set up for the remote host already (see above), I can mount the remote system entirely automatically by putting it in a (e.g. Gnome) personalised startup option (through gui). Doing it as a user, not root, means no password is needed. But it means that I have to log in for it to be there, which is not great for root-running backup scripts... It seems that Matthew Hoskins (google) has come to the same conclusions as me. He mentions that this method does not cleanly unmount the volume at shutdown..
Note also that if you don't need command line, you can use Gnome or KDE file browsers to ``connect to a server'' by ssh; they'll stick the folder right on the desktop and you have gui / drag and drop access.
For some reason at AERL building at UBC, but not at GC or by wireless, my sshfs connections get dropped (especially if idle for some minutes). If I understand SSH has anti-idle forcing abilities. I could put these on the command line in sshfs with -o, or just put ``ServerAliveInterval 15'' into my .ssh/config file. I did the latter.
Now network is being flakey in general from AERL. Does having a steady ping session going help keep things alive?
Trying to choose a format to use for the next few years for overhead (projected) presentations. Requirements:
So I am following Matt Welsh's advice, even though -- UGH -- it involves learning about true-type fonts. It involves some investment in setup, but looks like what I want.
Why is foils.cls so hard to find, and not installed? Why does LYX not carry it any more? Oh.. It seems foils might actually do what I want... so I should get LYX's template to work (someting's wrong!): Aha: Foils has a restrictive license, so tends not to be included in free LATEX distros. See ``Latex installation'' under the LYX ``Help'' menu .
Hey, under foils, just modify title environment so it also sets the top-right header to the title, and suppresses the top-right header for the current page! DONE! Ask me for cpblFoils.sty if you want this modification!
Okay, based on Michael Wiedmann's standard catalogue of options for LATEX-based presentation packages, here is some better overview info.
From my point of view, any package which will eliminate material which does not fit on the page defeats much of the charm of the LATEX solution; that is, one must worry about form (how much will fit on a given slide) when one should focus on content. This narrows down the package options:
The following require ``begin slide'' and ``end slide'' tags of some form. In general, these seem to be able to look much snazzier, but that doesn't help me:
LYX with foils class with my add-on cpblFoils.sty does everything I want! texpower would likely do any extra glitz.
Making dvi when hyppref is used causes errors. (Oh? I think everything works perfectly using PDF not PDFtex in Lyx - nov 2005).
I think I have the best of both worlds now...
but: the font for math is a bit odd?
-it would be nice to have PDF bookmarks/toc generated for foil headers.
sept 2005: There are some other good tricks, like using the ``shortform'' option for drafts, and making use of the comment package. See my slidesTemplate.lyx: It can switch to make a compact version of the slides with comments included. (In LYX, the ``shortform'' option goes in the Layout Document Style Options box)
Nov 2005: But this foiltex does not allow use of bibliography / bibtex with slides. Why? And I can't find discussions of this. Needed modifications so far:
If you're using pdflatex (not latex), then you want the package pdfpages. Brilliant.
May 2007: It does not meet my requirements (hm, actually, you can set a single frame to continue if over-full. maybe the whole document?), but I'm thinking of switching to Beamer.
In LYX, it seems I need to manually set the page size to 96128~mm for reasonable output!
Emacs: Whizzytex is interesting (view output as you write), but I can't get it working with beamer. I'm also not sure that I've got auctex / beamer working to full effect in emacs.
Themes: boadilla or singapore.
May 2007: At least with LYX 3.4, various things do not work with Beamer, e.g. pdfpages. So I have switched back to good old emacs and latex. pdfpages still does not work, though at least it compiles. The included page appears but then gets overwritten with blankness immediately. With beamer, in each slide you can choose between having continuing frames (ie material not lost if it overruns a page) or having available overlay features. A complete manual for beamer is included on-disk.
Under ``Help'', LYX gives info on current LATEX installation. Nice. Followed its advice to install cv.cls in my user space. I ought really to have installed foils in my user space, since it doesn't come with open source.
For making tables, if you want to have horizontal lines per cell, turn ``multicolumn'' on individually in each cell.
Macros in Lyx are a pain. You cannot define commands outside math environment. I guess I failed to get the template thing working properly!? So here was my solution: I put the latex macros into one file (in the appropiate place in ~/texmf/tex) and redefined them for lyx in another file.
lyx ${1} ~/latex/lyx/lyxMacros.lyx &
Feb 2005: Ack. a bug in Lyx? Can't get macros which use mathbb to work in foils. works when exported to latex. :( Solution: including ``\usepackage[cspex,bbgreekl]{mathbbol}'' seemed to solve it.
Nov 2005: As general policy, put new style bits into the ``preamble'' sections of lyx layout files or .inc files for layouts, rather than having separate LATEX style files... I'm making comment, foils, and econ paper styles.
In Document layout, choose natbib: that way, you can use the different kinds of citations, e.g. noun or parenthetical etc.
Please tell me how to get them to work. LYX uses latex2html to make its html output, and hyperlinks do not work.
I read somewhere (but it doesn't help):
*All* documents that make significant use of hyperlinking should \usepackage{html} when being translated into HTML using LATEX2HTML. That is a general rule for which there are no real exceptions, in normal LATEX usage.
I have a separate web page on LATEX lessons. (Search/google for latex and CPBL).
I put some LATEX style files from texslides in my texmf directory (apparently the structure here has to mirror that of the system texmf dir??) and used
I really do not know.
Tables ! A lack of a great GUI latex table editor is a problem. Tables seem the reason not to use LATEX, and also the reason not to use the alternatives (office suites!?). Yuck!
How do I centre a table which is wider than the textwidth?
I have .tex files containing \tabular environments that I include in both an article (full size) and, for presentations, in beamer (fonts are very small). I have set it so that some text I need small uses a \smaller command, but that does not work (using {relsize} package) for fonts smaller than the predefined ones! (how annoying! relsize should just make an absolutely smaller font!). So I've had to use an ugly technique of specifying font size exactly by redefining a command as needed, e.g.:
If ever you need to use any regular expressions, use Kodos to develop them! Brilliant.
I tried some Python IDEs. The best I tried was SPE (Stani's), but it ground the computer to a near halt. In the end, of course,
apt-get install python-mode
turned emacs into the tool I wanted.
For development, debugging, always run python programs in ipython. Put the command '1/0' anywhere you want to ``break'' into a debugger, and just type pdb once in ipython when you start up.
agi python-scipy python-numpy
Mplayer sounds like it is (again?) the cutting edge video player. For watching interlaced video (high speed motion shows combs if player is showing both halves) you can try to construct full images by CPU-intensive blending. ``mplayer -pphelp'' will show some available methods; you just try one. For example, ``mplayer -vf pp=fd:c'' seems remarkably good.
2006/7: I've a digital camera now, so I need to easily rotate video files, and sometimes to cut sections from them. What's the right tool? The non-avidemux way to rotate by +90 degrees into the page is:
e.g. pdftk file1.pdf file2.pdf cat output merged.pdf
or use guipdftk for a graphical interface.
Install ``alien''. Then download the latest rpm for ``pdfedit'' and use
May 2006: I thought I'd try sending a fax. I quickly determined to try
apt-get install efax-gtk slmodem
The application efax-gtk is brilliant. It sends any set of postscript files by fax using the softmodem in my laptop, with perfect interface...
2007 March: I had difficulty sending a multi-page PDF which was cobbled together with pdftk. Better to tell efax the various files as separate files.
Actually, GIMP is not a favourite software.
But: to make an image background, or one colour, transparent: ...
btw, a good image viewer is: feh
Brilliant! : just load this macro into OpenOffice, and you can turn all your .doc files into .html or .pdf or any other combination imaginable - text, spreadsheets, etc:
Okay, I don't have this trouble, but if you have .wma files, try:
sudo apt-get install soundconverter
Well, I rather wish Pine was open source and more functional, so this is again not ``favourite software'', but it's my favourite email client.
At UBC, the unencrypted SMTP service for Interchange email works by setting the ``smtp-server'' in Config options to
In July 2006, the unencrypted SMTP service became flakey but the encrypted versions werent. So if I set the ``smtp-server'' to[ubcusername]
I get encrypted sending, but I have to enter my Interchange password once per Pine session. There seems to be no way around this, which is pretty annoying.
When interchange is really slow, just use:<gmailusername>
streamripper works for some. If it doesn't (e.g for mms protocol) use mplayer:
mplayer 'mms://YourStation.wma' -ao pcm
Followed by:
lame audiodump.wav myradiostream.mp3
Afterwards, this can then be converted to any other format with something like:
To extract a segment from a dvd, dvdrip (rip, then for transcode pick ffmpeg and the output size) followed by avidemux (to easily trim out piece of interest) is smooth and easy.
It's so easy in (my) GNU/Linux: just use the right Alt key followed by something that looks like the accent (e.g., comma for cedile, apostrophe for acute) and then the letter.
Update for Ubuntu Feisty: it's even better now. From your desktop, choose the system menu preferences keyboard. Then the Layout Options tab. There, choose which key you want to be your ``compose'' key. That then works as above.
That's right, a GUI version of diff/merge. Sad to admit, I never really figured out emacs' merge. This is excellent! Standard with Ubuntu.
I am happy to buy commercial software when it's good and fosters feedback and is not an operating system. I use both Stata for Linux and Matlab for Linux. If Adobe offered better versions of its software for GNU/Linux or unix, I might buy them too (Acrobat and Illustrator for sure).
I installed the beta Ubuntu 7.04 version from CD. I have two partitions I use for unix operating systems, so as usual, I installed into the alternate one, making for a very safe switchover. There are many great improvements!
Some of my standard friends:
I guess this is what they call a "LAMP" server, since it comes nearly turnkey with Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Plus lots else in this case: Mediawiki, shell accounts, ...
I installed the server distribution (a mistake - easier to just change the desktop version to not start X by default? rather than installing all the gui tools afterwards on top of the stripped-down server version) so, to install graphical desktop, used:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Do the desktop enhancement thing: (the first line below is from March 2006. Google on ``Automatix'' to get something up to date).
sudo dpkg -i automatix_5.6-2_i386.deb
sudo apt-get install mediawiki mediawiki-math apache2
The install noted that mail sending failed. (?)
The mailing system worked perfectly sending mail to the internet without ANY configuration!!!!!!!!! I love it! (This must be related to friendly behaviour on the part of my ISP, which is U.B.C. - oh, yes.. maybe sending directly to outside UBC does not work yet.?)
sudo chmod 600 /etc/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php
sudo mv /var/lib/mediawiki/config /var/lib/mediawiki/config_retired
And how to move the MySQL database (data location) off the root partition?
To change the graphic that seems to adorn default layout to a new one (/home/cpbl/wiki.png):
July 2006: spam attacks have started on the wiki. How to restrict edit by IP address?? Have closed new accounts and edits by anonymous... Still need to figure how to make new accounts; upgrade wiki version; restrict access to edit by IP range
I followed Ubuntu's getting started guide to: make a samba user called "gcra",
Edited /etc/samba/smb.conf to change workgroup name from MSHOME to GCRA
I haven't found a 5-minute method for this yet, so ignore all the following.
sudo apt-get install xinetd
Swat: This didn't work (connection refused) until I edited some inetd file to uncomment swat and tried:
sudo apt-get install xinetd
then it worked (uhh, did it? or only when i made a /etc/xinetd.d/swat ??). This seems peculiar to Debian / Ubuntu?
An XP-Home user couldn't access the home share. With Swat I turned on Domain Controller.. that might help???
Do I want this?! I've never tried it. It apparently is served https as installed, whereas SWAT needs fiddling to be SSL secure.
run "service-admin" to turn on ntp, see what's going, etc.
sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common
mount /mnt/backups
I did NOT even need to do the following:
sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart
MySQL residents directory
Used outstanding phpmyadmin to add gcra as a user with privileges on just one database; created a database...
To move database. On old machine:
use directory
source /home/cpbl/gc.sql
To control access by directory, I am using apache2.conf rather than local .htaccess files...
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Why? agh, it seems to me that if I turn on user-level control over .htaccess and .htpasswd files, users have to give the apache group read access (e.g. chown user:apache) to the .htpasswd file... but users cannot do that. So superuser intervention is needed anyway. Is this really right? (Help!). I've wasted a bunch of time chasing down this problem.
July 2006:
I want an anonymous ftp site in which people upload new directories of images/videos. A script automatically indexes/thumbnails and organises them. Comments etc can be added.
Solution: proftpd, php(4)-gd, and a free php script called twg. Very neat! Too easy!
(Make sure to match php-gd package to the installed version of php. In my case, it was php4, not php5.)
See Ubuntuguide for ftp installation.
I increased the php memory limit and file upload size in php.ini
Configuration is in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. Rather than use .htaccess files, I'm going to have security get set in that main config file for the moment.
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
is useful.
Restricting authentication is really easy; just follow the directions at a page such as
I also changed the default web dir in people's home directories (~user/) to ``web'' from ``public_html'': simple.
In August 2006 I replaced the word ``breezy'' with ``dapper'' in /etc/apt/sources.list and initiated an update. The system downloaded the ~0.5 GB of needed files, shut down some server services, installed the new system, software, etc, restarted the services, all by itself and seamlessly without requiring a reboot. Everything worked, except that
In Sept 2006 Mike Peters did a fresh install of Ubuntu (replacing old RH). Notes:
to put user ``biguser'' in the admin gruop, which has sudo authority. Root doesn't seem to be able to use X, but sudo can.
I have had amazing frustration with phpmyadmin / php(?) with the
virtual hosts, so I'm leaving it (and mysql) and have not reinstated any
databases... (Not sure that those got backed up anywhere except the old
version in my account.)
I have removed the CDROM from apt sources.
mkdir /etc/apache2/logs
copy old VirtualServer directives to (which is a poor name) :
cp oldVirtualServerConfig /etc/apache2/sites-enables/gradEconSite
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
apache2ctl restart
mysqladmin -u root password <pick-root-password>
Then all other setup, importation of archived databases, etc can be done
with phpmyadmin.
I was getting download of php file! despite having installed php.
I tried: uncommment:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
in apache2.conf. That worked. Then:
I was getting strange error:
[Fri Sep 22 10:56:07 2006] [alert] [client]
/home/web/grad/phpmyadmin/.htaccess: DirectoryIndex not allowed here
I tried:
apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
I'm still getting various errors from .htaccess in the /phpmyadmin
Solution: rename (disable/delete) .htaccess. Then it works fine.
I haven't taken any other security measures, since you still need a password
to log in from that page. This admin interface works nicely. I reloaded the
database dump file that I had saved on 12 Sept in cpbl account and have
recreated by hand two users who are more recent than that.
I have moved the link to /home/web/grad/admin/phpmyadmin
apt-get install postfix
I chose "internet site" with "" as host, but I got an error
Setting up postfix (2.2.10-1ubuntu0.1) ...
Adding group `postfix' (116)...
Adding system user `postfix'...
Adding new user `postfix' (108) with group `postfix'.
Not creating home directory `/var/spool/postfix'.
Creating /etc/postfix/
Adding tcp map entry to /etc/postfix/
Adding group `postdrop' (117)...
setting myhostname:
setting alias maps
setting alias database
changing /etc/mailname
setting myorigin
setting destinations:,,
setting relayhost:
setting mynetworks:
setting mailbox_size_limit: 0
setting recipient_delimiter: +
setting inet_interfaces: all
Postfix is now set up with a default configuration. If you need to make
changes, edit
/etc/postfix/ (and others) as needed. To view Postfix configuration
values, see postconf(1).
After modifying, be sure to run '/etc/init.d/postfix reload'.
Running newaliases
newaliases: warning: valid_hostname: misplaced delimiter:
newaliases: fatal: file /etc/postfix/ parameter myhostname: bad
dpkg: error processing postfix (-configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Bizarre: I had to, in /etc/postfix/, change
myhostname =
to: myhostname =
and then postfix started alright (but read on):
dpkg -configure postfix
Setting up postfix (2.2.10-1ubuntu0.1) ...
Postfix configuration was not changed. If you need to make changes, edit
/etc/postfix/ (and others) as needed. To view Postfix configuration
values, see postconf(1).
After modifying, be sure to run '/etc/init.d/postfix reload'.
Running newaliases
* Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix [
ok ]
* Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix [
ok ]
But when sending mail, it still thinks the host name has a period at the
end. Also, it can't find smtp.
not fixed.
That's it for now.
====================== Postfix instructions:=============
You have several choices for general configuration at this point. If you
have your debconf priority set to 'low' or 'medium', you will be asked more
â~T~B questions later. You can always run "dpkg-reconfigure -priority=low
postfix" at a later point if you want to see these questions again. â~T~B
CHOOSE THIS OPTION. No configuration changes will be done now: If you have
not â~T~B already configured Postfix, your mail system will be
broken and should not be used. You must then do the configuration yourself
by editing â~T~B /usr/share/postfix/ and saving your changes as
/etc/postfix/, or by running dpkg-reconfigure Postfix. will
not be modified by the â~T~B Postfix install process. â~T~B â~T~B Internet
site - mail is sent and received directly using SMTP. If your needs don't
fit neatly into any category, you probably want to start with this one and
â~T~B then edit the config file by hand. â~T~B â~T~B Internet site using
smarthost - You receive Internet mail on this machine, either directly by
SMTP or by running a utility such as fetchmail. Outgoing mail is â~T~B sent
using a smarthost. optionally with addresses rewritten. This is probably
what you want for a dialup system.
sudo apt-get install squirrelmail
sudo /usr/sbin/squirrelmail-configure
ln -s /usr/share/squirrelmail /home/web/grad/gradmail
But it seems to need an IMAP server?! doesn't work yet.
For some reason, this was necessary:
apt-get install synaptic
and I cannot find ``software-properties'' on the apt repositories.... I want to make auto security updates.
apt-get install unattended-upgrades sbackup
Bizarre! After installation of php-mysql, mysql was not turned on in php.ini! Needed to uncomment one line there. This is apparently intentional, and documented on, but there's no mention from the .deb
And still, mail() from php seems to be failing silently.
Also, the -stdin option of passwd does not exist in Debian. What to do? (solved: usermod -p)
This is meant to be more of a slightly ``bleeding edge'' release. Installed from CD. Added some extra apt sources. Followed's instructions for Automatix, which still got the wrong nvidia-glx package, so:
Solution: actually, this is a security feature of linux. Because my user was not the one I created during installation, it was not given lots of permissions over peripherals. Just use the ``users and groups'' gui to give the user permissions over lots of peripherals (ie membership in groups).
Solution: append the following to the end of xorg.conf:
Option "Composite" "Disable"
I think this was due to a customisation in my Gnome themes, which for some reason failed under Edgy. I used a different theme to fix it.
Aha, recently (Edgy) the system has become able to talk to my camera. Now when I plug it in, everything happens automatically, GUI's pop up, etc, and I can get my photos and videos with a simple copy. Yay, GNU!
Clean install from beautiful live-CD which can install (fast!) while you are using the live operating system! This is a brilliant advance.
Everything looks great on the first go. Touchpad works nicely, with sidebar scrolling on the touchpad.
I then installed and ran Automatix to get audio-visual workstation (easy, but takes some time). Automatix gets one thing wrong (install nvidia-glx, but my cardp is older so:)
I then added a few more things:
I had realplayer play bbc in my startup script. About 50% of bootups resulted in a realplayer with no sound until I rebooted. This was fixed by putting a longer delay in when the startup script launched it. (?)
Dapper seems to have installed with /etc/papersize set to ``a4''. That is no good.
Also, some files have been printing with all characters turned to rubbish boxes. Sending the doc through \pdf2ps and then ps2pdf fixed this, since the first one seems to rasterize....
Pretty neat: nearly one-click complete upgrade of an operating system and all associated software.
Well, almost. Before you do this, switch the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf back from ``nvidia'' (the proprietary driver) to ``nv'' (the open source one) -- for me, X failed to start after the install. So after the upgrade, I used
Below are my notes on the BETA version. That is, there are supposed to be bugs for this pre-release, and I've reported some of these bugs.
Also, some of the multimedia that I had installed with Automatix seems gone. I've used a script called ``bumps'', plus
apt-get install libflash-mozplugin
uhhh. flash still doesn't work.!
This distro failed to setup my touchpad properly, and at least after the nVidia driver had been installed, the display resolution was also wrong. Instructions for the fixes are below.
The speed and interface and completeness of Ubuntu's software download/installation service is really remarkable. Also, Ubuntu has embraced command-line support, so Ubuntu's online FAQ makes, e.g. installing standard commercial free software and plugins, a cinch. Below are some things I did to add some standard (proprietary) functions to the default (open source) operating system. This is mostly one big cut-and-paste into a terminal. Much of it is now redundant, thanks to Automatix.
Ubuntu, with its support structure, backed by money and commitment, will be the way to go! However, for some reason, like other GNU/Linux systems, this one has not been endowed with a friendly greeter for the new user nor a built-in guide to do standard set-ups that most users will want (how do I set up my modem and ISP??). There is no integrated control centre like in Mandriva.
In Feb 2006, the post-install procedure (endowing the operating system with multimedia, 3D acceleration, browser plugins, Acrobat software, additional software repositories, etc, etc) became vastly friendlier. Now, just look for and install the ``Automatix'' GUI script written for Ubuntu or the ``Easy Ubuntu'' script. These will take care of all the standard goodies.
For me, the only other tricks needed after install, then, are
First, install any updates offered immediately by the system.
Then, get the touchpad / mouse working if it's not.
Run Automatix10.3 or (and!?) Easy Ubuntu. Then, as instructed,
These first couple of steps require using an editor; do them step by step:
sudo apt-get install nvu
sudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/nvu.desktop
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/nvu.desktop
Comment=Web Development Editor
sudo apt-get install latex-beamer gbib kdissert
sudo apt-get install xfce4-iconbox xfce4-mixer xfce4-systray xfce4-toys xfce4-trigger-launcher xfprint4 xfcalendar
sudo apt-get install aterm lyx octave emacs21 latex2html elinks streamripper xpdf-utils scribus ssh
sudo apt-get install emacs21 auctex emacs-extra emacs-goodies-el preview-latex
sudo apt-get install gnomebaker flashplayer-mozilla acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins gftp azureus realplayer streamtuner
sudo apt-get install mutt urlview
sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5
java -version
sudo apt-get install libqt3c102-mt
wget -c
dpkg -i pine_4.64_i386.deb
The touchpad is made by ALPS, but the Synaptic driver drives it too. There seem to be three kinds of fixes described for the touchpad 10.4. The only one with good results follows. Do this after the basic steps, above.
First, create a new file with content as follows10.5 (the file contents should be all one line):
BUS="serio", SYSFS{description}="i8042 Aux Port", KERNEL="event?", SYMLINK="input/alps"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "ALPS"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "AlwaysCore"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/alps"
Option "Protocol" "event"
Option "LeftEdge" "120"
Option "RightEdge" "830"
Option "TopEdge" "120"
Option "BottomEdge" "650"
Option "FingerLow" "14"
Option "FingerHigh" "15"
Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
Option "MaxTapMove" "110"
Option "ClickTime" "0"
Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75"
Option "VertScrollDelta" "10"
Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0"
Option "MinSpeed" "0.45"
Option "MaxSpeed" "0.75"
Option "AccelFactor" "0.020"
Option "EdgeMotionMinSpeed" "200"
Option "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed" "200"
Option "UpDownScrolling" "1"
Option "CircularScrolling" "0"
Option "CircScrollDelta" "0.1"
Option "CircScrollTrigger" "2"
Option "SHMConfig" "true"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
InputDevice "ALPS"
Audio is sometimes really choppy in the mplayer plugin (which handles all my A/V in firefox). Googling on ``choppy mplayer plugin'' gets a solution: adding ``srate=48000'' to the bottom of /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf solves the problem! (!?)
Opera browser didn't work (seg fault). I followed instructions for this problem at and this fixed the trouble.
I plugged in by USB the printer, chose ``New printer'' from ``Printing'' in the System pull-down menu. It didn't see the printer immediately, so I rebooted for simplicity (blasphemy!). Tried again. It knew the 1320; no drivers needed. Acrobat immediately was able to print; auto-double-sided printing etc. No need for HP's CD, of course.
Fetchmail and postfix: I get my mail with Pine (or mutt) from my laptop's unix mail drop, which is filled by Fetchmail from various other unix accounts I have elsewhere. Fetchmail talks to the port 25 (smtp port) which is run by the MTA, postfix. For some reason, although postfix comes standard with many distributions, it doesn't work at first. The port 25 is not open; fetchmail complains ``smtp listener protocol error". The fix (for Mandriva and Ubuntu) seems to be to uninstall and then reinstall postfix. Trivial:
this postfix trick didn't work like magic. Note any comments from apt-get when installing postfix; follow those instructions. In addition, I needed to run ``newaliases'' once to create /etc/aliases.db.
Also, because I now have two distributions installed on one machine and therefore have two installations of postfix which collect mail for me, I need to put the line
First I tried upgrading from 10.1 to 2005LE using the club-mini single-CD. This resulted in a significantly non-functioning installation; it is a screwup of Mandriva to even allow the mini-CD to offer upgrades.
Next I burned the (15 Mbyte) boot.iso from the first CD of the three-CD 2005LE distro to a CD. I think I can use this in the future to install other distros from on-hard-drive ISO's. I used that to upgrade to 2005LE from ISO's on hard disk.
Next I added the easyurpmi sources (except some didn't exist) and the club sources (except some didn't exist?).
Then call the magical command:
Next, urpmi pine
The boot process/display hangs on ipmi probe, so I could not get to a console to install NVIDIA. I turned the ipmi service off and then could install NVIDIA's own commercial installer.
Many problems:
scroll mouse does not work in Firefox anymore
all the fonts look horribly pixellated (didn't before)
ALSA doesn't work, and installing relevant ALSA packages doesn't help. (It turns out that during the install, one can choose between two audio drivers; if one knows what they are, one would notice that the default is NOT ALSA!); xmms does not work under any setting.
I ran alsaconf, but this made no difference.
my shells frequently telling me I have mail, when I do not.
I downloaded the latest RealPlayer rpm from their site and installed it.
Next, I tried a fresh install (includes formatting the root partition) after saving /var/spool/mail. Many things were again screwed up. A rough account follows.
urpmi emacs-X11 xmms auctex finger fetchmailconf bittorrent-gui aterm fetchmail lyx xdvi compress locate
urpmi pine
Some package requested cannot be installed: pine-4.62-1plf.i586 (due to unsatisfied
urpmi -auto-select
urpmi gcc pam-devel libopenssl-devel ncurses-devel
./build lmd
but result still fails without!!
win32-codecs real-codecs
Following is big!
urpmi totem mplayer
Oops. then I used the drak gui to install MANY gnome, video stuff.
urpmi jre xpdf
JAVA: download it straight from Sun's site; follow their install directions. (above uprmi gave an old version of kaffe for jre?)
Then (with jre) Azureus runs!; this is a better bittorrent client??.
rpm -Uvh AdobeReader_enu-7.0.0-2.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: is needed by AdobeReader_enu-7.0.0-2 is needed by AdobeReader_enu-7.0.0-2 is needed by AdobeReader_enu-7.0.0-2
in urpmi media manager, searching by files or descriptions does not work, and i can find no settings to affect it.
Oh, there's a 4 CD set. So why is there a 3 CD set which doesn't work well? I had CD1-CD4 on the hard drive as ISOs. I backed up /var/spool/mail and used the boot.iso method to do a fresh install from on-disk ISO's (but preserving my /home partition, which has user accounts).
These comments now reflect the help of Adam W, a most friendly Mandriva employee, who helped sort them out (identifying a bunch of veritable bugs in the release). The lesson for me was to be more open to the possibility that problems experienced are real bugs that need reporting and fixing. Mandriva's poor QA is improving, but distro's are still not robust when they come out.
I complained that in MDK10.1, the html link to the main INSTALL.html documentation file on the first CD was broken. It still is in this version! Yes, the top-level help file for installing the distribution does not exist! Again! [I have reported this bug, to no avail].
It claimed to format my / partition, as requested, but it must not have, since my old /etc/fstab still exists!? [unclear now. maybe /etc/fstab is kept on purpose? If so, how is that a fresh install?]
I installed from on-disk ISO's. The installer claimed to find 6 ISO's, i.e. those from CD5 and CD6 too, even though they were absent. Better still, the media manager comes up with all 8 CD's listed, but I don't understand it, since they have not been mounted..? In fact, the media manager had one of the CD's listed four times. [seems to be a real bug]
The installer gives some nice ``standard debug procedure'' for audio; but this info is not so useful during installation. It could maybe tell me where to find such info later.
My past problems with ALSA not working properly was to do with the fact that there is actually a choice of drivers for audio, and I had left it as the non-ALSA default driver. It is cryptic, though, in the installation: it mentions you are choosing between OSS and ALSA, but does not tell you which driver is which! Advice: switch to driver with name starting with ``snd-'' for ALSA. [Apparently on most hardware, the installer will default to ALSA, but it believes mine has some trouble. I find no trouble. Regardless, the instructions during install are not helpful.]
I went through and chose all my packages carefully, and then at the very end of the installation had the opportunity to save my selection to a file (great!!), although some parts of that option (e.g. save to ftp) are not yet programmed! and just lead to blank screens.
Here is what I did post-install:
urpmi gcc pam-devel libopenssl-devel ncurses-devel
./build lmd
I upgraded (i.e., avoided a fresh install) from MDK10 to MDK10.1-Official, using ISO format files (i.e., not expanded to files, and not burned to CD). I used a floppy boot disk with the appropriate list file detailing where the rpm's were (ie following standard directions, which are sadly out of date: one can use ISO's directly), but the installer ignored this file! Instead, it let me specify wher the first ISO was. Rather than let me worry during installation whether I would get a chance to specify where the others were, it stated clearly (a great improvement!!) that it had found all four! before proceeding. [[By the way, why do I need the boot floppy? Can't I just add something to LILO to tell it to boot from some install file somewhere?]] [[Another possibility for upgrading is just to let people switch urpm sources to the new distro?...]]
But then the screen went blank for a while, making me worry (needlessly)... the interface stil needs help. The installer claimed it would take 90 minutes! but suddenly decided (correctly) it was finished after only ~15. It's great not having to change CD's etc. The Network configuration is much improved! It has a little more explanation what it's asking for.
It's remarkable how poor some superficial things (above) can still be coming from Mandrake. The html link to the html documentation file on the first CD was also broken - only the .txt version existed! Unbelievable, almost, for an official release from a good company trying to make a good impression.
I mostly wanted this upgrade for the sleep/suspend functionality, but it still does not work at all, at least out of the box. The other reason was the hope that ALSA would be able to mix more than one sound source at once. That still did not happen by itself, though I haven't spent extra time on it.
Also, wine does not work at all. Applications come up as all-black windows. (fixed, below)
A number of things were broken after the ``upgrade'':
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"
pcm.dsp0 {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"
pcm.dmixer {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024
slave {
pcm "hw:0,0"
period_time 0
period_size 1024
buffer_size 8192
rate 44100
bindings {
0 0
1 1
ctl.dmixer {
type hw
card 0
Some advice from someone on a MandrakeClub forum worked, with one difference and despite a number of discouraging things (see below) on the way. What a shame that out of four Mandrake distributions, I've never managed to get the nvidia working using Mandrake's packages! So.. once again, the following is how to let nvidia rather than Mandrake install their driver. Starting with the 6226 release from nvidia, there is no patch needed for this kernel.
I installed the appropriate kernel-source. (uname -r and then urpmi kernel-source).
I uninstalled the nvidia and nvidia-kernel and dkms-nvidia rpms but got horrid errors:
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages will be removed (15 MB):
dkms-nvidia-6111-1mdk.i586 (due to missing nvidia)
Is this OK? (y/N) y
removing dkms-nvidia-6111-1mdk.i586 nvidia-6111-3mdk.i586
+ /usr/sbin/dkms -rpm_safe_upgrade remove -m nvidia -v 6111 -all
dkms.conf: Error! No 'DEST_MODULE_LOCATION' directive specified.
dkms.conf: Error! No 'PACKAGE_NAME' directive specified.
dkms.conf: Error! No 'PACKAGE_VERSION' directive specified.
Error! Bad conf file.
File: /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/6111/source/dkms.conf does not represent
a valid dkms.conf file.
error: %postun(dkms-nvidia-6111-1mdk) scriptlet failed, exit status 5
[root@]# urpme nvidia-kernel
The following packages contain nvidia-kernel: nvidia-kernel-
[root@l]# urpme nvidia-kernel-
removing nvidia-kernel-
dkms.conf: Error! No 'DEST_MODULE_LOCATION' directive specified.
dkms.conf: Error! No 'PACKAGE_NAME' directive specified.
dkms.conf: Error! No 'PACKAGE_VERSION' directive specified.
Error! Bad conf file.
File: /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/6111/source/dkms.conf does not represent
a valid dkms.conf file.
error: %preun(nvidia-kernel- scriptlet failed, exit status 5
because the kernel module was built using the wrong kernel source files.
Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your
kernel; on Red Hat Linux systems, for example, be sure you have the
'kernel-source' rpm installed. If you know the correct kernel source
files are installed, you may specify the kernel source path with the
'-kernel-source-path' commandline option.
-> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':
-1 Invalid module format
urpmi gcc
which upgraded from 3.3 to 3.4. That had in fact been the problem. I tried the nvidia script again and it worked. I also added the line
Then I got dkms errors on every boot-up, until I deleted the whole (old) nvidia directory from some dkms directory.
I still cannot get toshutils to compile. urpmi gtk-devel gtk+ yacc may solve some of the problems, but I still get lots of errors.
By the way, for anyone using a Toshiba, there is a great Toshiba Linux email list on which one can ask for help. (Might not be available archived online?).
I also found some patches for the toshutils program... it seems it might be quite buggy? I applied those patches but still had errors remaining.
Jan 2005: Still no luck with this stuff. urpmi acpi cpufreq gnome-cpufreq-applet does not help.
Other diagnostics:
ls /proc/acpi
I turned apmd off for startup at boot in services gui.
There is a ``toshiba extras'' kernel option which might not be standard?!
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state
Can't find kpowersave
Oh.. Installing klaptop seems nice. Now there's an icon on my taskbar, and I can ``configure ACPI'' and can initiate suspend/hibernate. Only problem is, those fail, and eventually give up and return to the session...
Ohhh. Wakeup call! I just noticed that for the indefinite past my computer has been under ssh attack!! Since I had some guest and family accounts with trivial passwords (what was I thinking?!), I have probably had people all over my machine. Ah what to do? Try to get pam-tally working? I have set the Mandrake security level one grade higher and installed/activated a firewall.
Upgrading was frustrating initially, though I think I figured out my mistakes eventually. See my page for Mandrake 9.2 install for details on compatibility etc. I have my /home directory on a separate partition, so there was never any real risk to reinstalling - just expended time.
I tried to do an update on Mdk 9.2 to 10. There was very little direction on how to use ISO's on disk. I thought I had done it but then somewhat into the upgrade the install started freaking out, claiming errors on libdv2, libgii, libgii0, and then endless more. I ended up burning CD's IN MS WINDOWS to save my ruined system (ie complete the ``upgrade''), but even then X did not work at all.
How to write an ISO image: In Nautilus (file browser), right click on the .iso image and choose ``write to CD''. Yep.
It seems I have full mail servers running, so if I delete the smtp host in pine, mail is sent straight from my machine! That's not good for privacy (risk of reply to dynamic IP?) but if I were using Mutt or if I had a fixed IP it would be good.
Also, note that interchange still says they will do upgrade system soon... then switch all mail to them with secure pop...
the solution is simple: Forget the Mandrake commercial RPMs!! Stick with the nvidia shell script, making sure to have the kernel-source which matches my kernel exactly! (Still need to upgrade kernels to .13?). Then, see Thorsten's page or etc for all the weird XF86Config lines: the display on my laptop lies about the available modes, so you have to tell X to ignore them. Now the full screen is used, GLX works, etc.
I unplugged the computer and booted it on wireless, and now my X is broken.
My kernel is 2.6.3-7mdk but when I install the sources, I get 2.6.3-13mdk.
SOLVED: So reinstalling the NVIDIA script seemed to do the trick. God knows what messed up the driver. And the problem with that is that the kernel and sources didn't match. I probably just need to tell the NVIDIA script where to find the sources. Instead, I installed -7 and removed -13.
sox -r 48000 Untitled.wav -r 32000 un.wav rate
mp3encode -s 32 -b 64 -l 2 un.wav un.mp3
Actually, gnome-sound-recorder hung when recording a long (5 min) sound. Instead, use the excellent ``rec'' along with above two lines.
Aug 2004: Motivated by interest in gnomemeeting and skype, I spent ages trying to figure out why they would not work (problems with /dev/dsp and etc etc). It turns out that I have never had ALSA running, despite it trying to start up on boot and being integrated in my kernel!! What is Mandrake thinking? Why is it so hard to find documentation on this?! Maybe there was an option I messed up in the install: choose ALSA if you have the choice! Anyway, I had to install a bunch of ``alsa'' rpms (tools, lib, player). Those include ``alsaconf'' to be run by root, and alsamixer. After one restart, everything works beautifully, including Flash sound, skype, choice of sample speeds, etc in both GNOME and KDE.
Also got ALSA plugin for xmms, changed xmms to use ALSA, and configured detail to use audio device rather than PCM (latter, default, made jittery sound).
NOTE: Now I can only use one sound application at once! They block each other. says this is due to my sound device, but can be overcome with the latest ALSA and a dmixer plugin. Still to do..
urpmi xine-win32??
urpmi anacron, since this computer is not on continuously.
Actually, I had planned to then set slocate and update jobs, but it seems that if you install anacron, these are already done. /etc/cron.daily and so on include such things.
``uname -r'' tells you your kernel.
Need to reinstall the Nvidia commercial driver for each kernel upgrade. I think there's the problem that for me, kernel-source upgrades happen automatically, but kernels don't. Then they're out of sync, and maybe that makes my X (commercial nvidia driver) break?!? Can't undersstand why. Anyway, to update kernel, see . For kernels, seem to need to use a longer filename with urpmi; e.g.:
rather than
Wow this was epic. I uninstalled kernel-source-... and reinstalled kernel source (all unnecessary) and then found out from reading groups that the new NVIDIA drivers have problems (got ``not clean, please run 'make mrproper'" in the install log, etc). So, don't use the 61xx driver versions; download the old 5336 version from [September 2004]. That works fine. (610x version compiles but gives me a black screen in X!). Also, in general if trouble with nvidia installers, can run them with -extract-only flag, then enter directory and use ``make install''.
Seem to need to rerun ``alsaconf'' as root after each kernel upgrade too!
[btw, I was once again confused by booting with wireless which seemed to break X, but it may have been my recent upgrade of kernel-source instead???? don't know, but solution is reinstall driver as above..]
Ugh. There is no single method here, and in general everything seems very difficult. In a few occasions, the psbind program with carefully chosen set of pages to scan for bounding box, and possibly borders and margins set to 0, works nicely. But when there is lots of white border within the bounding box, psnup will overwrite text with white!!! in the case of a scanned document (?).
Could make a version of psbind which does each page independently?
Though I almost never use it, the proprietary and fragile operating system (MS Win2K) on one small partition became messed up, so I simply reformatted and reinstalled the OS. That was easy: it did not overwrite LILO (which had been put on disk's first sector by Mandrake).
Couldn't install this so far, but it might be only hope for better than Acroread....
[oct 2003] I installed Maple 6 (REALLY OLD!!) as though it were RedHat 6/6.1, but I guess I have the wrong version of glibc (not 2.0?), so it doesn't work. Ahh. I got it working by following this FAQ:
This problem is caused by a conflict between various dynamically linked shared libraries used by Maple. As a workaround, rename or remove the following files in the folder $MAPLE/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX_REDHAT or $MAPLE/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX_SUSE (where $MAPLE is the location of your Maple installation). The default location is /usr/local/maple.
You can either move these files to a temporary folder or change their names by adding a letter to the filenames. Do not remove the files from your system until you are sure that removing them fixes the problem on your system.
Next, I still have a problem due to the fact that the hostname changes whenever I log on to the network wirelessly, and this confuses the license manager. Ahh. Tech support helped me with this. You no longer need a license manager for Maple 6. Just put the license.dat file obtained from Maple straight into the license folder. So, from scratch: in flexlm/unix dir on CD, run license install script. Then replace
Oh, I also may have had to symbolic link maple and xmaple to /usr/local/bin:
ln -s /usr/local/maple/bin/xmaple /usr/local/bin/xmaple
I don't know what the ``W9X'' part means. By the sounds of others' pages, I guess all 2410's are fairly equivalent.
Previously I had installed Mandrake 9.1 on the same Toshiba Satellite 2410 mandrake91_toshiba.html.
Installed it next to existing MS Win2000pro (the last version ever of M.S. Windoze which can be copied and reused etc without registering??) - no problem, no fiddling with NT boot loaders: just let Mandrake do its thing.
more /proc/version says: Linux version 2.4.22-10mdk ( (gcc version 3.3.1 (Mandrake Linux 9.2 3.3.1-2mdk)) #1 Thu Sep 18 12:30:58 CEST 2003 .
The following page is better; follow it for most stuff:
Still to do:
APM! dl Modem; set sendmail up for smtp forwarding (NO! wait for fixed network).
Chose UK English; Generic PS2 wheelMouse (can test it!)
Used custom partitioning (and the auto-allocate button)
I needed all three CD's.
Graphics autodetected: Generic Flat panel 1024x768. NVidia GeForce4
I chose XFree 4.3.
Left ``zeroconf host name'' blank, if it was asked.
Chose ``standard'' security; no firewall.
Turned on ssh and other servers.
Boot loader: chose LILO (there's no /boot partition with Mandrake!) on disk's first sector. Upon installation, the Win2K which was already installed worked perfectly.
Extra packages
I installed: lyx, wireless*, fetchmail, ethereal, xmms, latex2html, xdvi, grip, a2ps, and aterm from the Mandrake CD's (using urpmi <package> called as root). Probably others, too. I have copied my CD's to the hard drive and changed the location through the Drak Package program, so now using urpmi to install stuff will get it from the hard disk if Mandrake shipped it, and the internet otherwise.
Had to install adobe acrobat by hand; had to install a bunch of plugins for Mozilla. Downloaded pine and some others.
Shut down X by Ctrl-Alt-F1, log in as root, and type init 3. Then as root ran the NVidia driver installation program I downloaded (very simple to find/choose) from NVidia's web site.
Then I made the couple of changes in /etc/XF86Config-4 advised by the nvidia install docs, and also added Option NoLogo under ``Section `Device''' to remove the full-screen logo on startup. (Hey, that doesn't work!). The 3D programs I try now work.
PCMCIA worked initially. I did use the graphical package installer to install iwconfig and pcmcia-tools, I think, from the Mandrake CD's. I stuck in my wireless card (whose true Orinoco chipset I knew should work fine with Linux) and it just worked automatically - much easier to set up than in Windows. I had to run the Mandrake Contrl Center network setup once, but didn't change anything. So, the card acquired the local signal at UBC and that was that. The wireless card, if it's inserted, shows up as eth1 and that's that.
Well, I am on UBC campus in a place where the wireless connection is REALLY flakey. When it goes down, (especially) if root calls ``ifup eth1'' to refind the network, sometimes I can no longer launch any X application!! I get an error such as
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm.real Xt error: Can't open display: :0.0I can fix this by having root say ``hostname localhost'' but this doesn't last very long. What to do??
28Nov2003: Another try. There is interference due to rogue access points / wireless hubs, I guess, so often my link seems to die and ``iwconfig'' reports that the ESSID has changed from ``ubc'' to ``default''. If I tell iwconfig to change it back, this sometimes fixes the problem! I have told Mandrake Control Centre to use only ``ubc'' now, but that didn't fix the problem. (!?). I have now edited the defaults essid in /etc/pcmcis/wireless.opts to fix it to ``ubc'' rather than ``any''.
2Dec2003: Ahh, for what it's worth there are now a bunch of gui wireless consoles:
rpm -Uvh kwifimanager-1.0.2-1.MDK91.i586.rpm
And while I'm at it, upgrade wireless-tools:
rpm -Uvh -test wireless-tools-26-1mdk.i586.rpm libiw26-26-3mdk.i586.rpm
The key bouncing problem of Toshiba is no longer present under Mandrake 9.2
urpmi lyx
Much later: November 2003: rpm -Uvh toshutils-2.0.1-2.i686.rpm. It gives an install message ``Run "/etc/rc.d/init.d/fan start" to start Toshiba fan daemon.'' It does not work. It claims my kernel's missing the module?? I have rpms for toshset and toshutils installed, but they both crash when run.
CANNOT get toshutils ie power management etc to work. Help!? I just want to be able to sleep and hibernate.
Crazy! Under Mandrake 9.2, the postfix server does not work properly if mailman is also installed and not set up properly. So: with the drak rpm or whatever, uninstall postfix, and then reinstall postfix. Apparently this is not a bug, but it wasted a lot of my time, since fetchmail no longer worked. I suspect that uninstalling mailman would also have made the local smtp server (postfix) work properly.
urpmi fetchmail
So, postfix (the recent name for sendmail, the common MTA) is running on this system, and I think that is what receives the mail from fetchmail. I have my fetchmailrc file set up to get mail by IMAP from Berkeley. It works perfectly. I haven't yet got sendmail working to transparently send mail when I get online.
Sound seems to work for most applications, but RealPlayer 8 was initially silent. I get the ``cannot open the audio device.'' This is fixed easily. Run realplayer, chose to set the preferences, and turned on ESound. Quit the player, and restarted it. (Now I can watch NASA TV coverage of Spirt and Opportunity.)
(see Mandrake 9.1 version. I haven't bothered with this yet).
Please DO NOT buy this printer. Canon is quite clear they will not support it. I think they may have some other well-supported printers (??) but I would check their modern attitude before supporting them by buying any Canon product.
See my Mandrake 9.1 install page for details.
So then I bought a Stylus C84. Epson has a good record with GNU; I should have figured this out before. I plugged it in, ran Mandrake Control Center under Mandrake 9.2. It has a built in driver for the C84; autodetected, etc. Works perfectly.
See comment on k3b cd case printing, below.
Aaah. Feb 2004: I used the http interface to CUPS to adjust the print mode and (maybe as a result), printer printed an entire page of black on the next file!! I deleted printer, re-ran the Drake setup thing (which autodetects and sets it up!) and things are happy again!! Printers...sigh.
12Sept: installed blackbox, bbconf, bbkeys, bbpager rpms. I don't like them. Maybe try again in a few years. Aha! Eventually installed my beloved old friend vtwm (which I used back in early 90's: still better than most vwm's now)! Perfect.
I log in to a shell as root and then run k3b. Everything seems to work perfectly. Start by running the k3b setup. I don't think Gnome is useful here.
In order to make a cd case cover, I used GCombust, another CD writing program already set up in Mandrake 9.1. However, when I printed out the cover, it was slightly too small!! I had to enlarge the postscript file by 2.575%. I used:
psresize -w8.7176in -h11.282in -W8.5in -H11in
[oct 2003] I installed Maple 6 (REALLY OLD!!) as though it were RedHat 6/6.1, but I guess I have the wrong version of glibc (not 2.0?), so it doesn't work. Ahh. I got it working by following this FAQ:
This problem is caused by a conflict between various dynamically linked shared libraries used by Maple. As a workaround, rename or remove the following files in the folder $MAPLE/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX_REDHAT or $MAPLE/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX_SUSE (where $MAPLE is the location of your Maple installation). The default location is /usr/local/maple.
You can either move these files to a temporary folder or change their names by adding a letter to the filenames. Do not remove the files from your system until you are sure that removing them fixes the problem on your system.
Next, I still have a problem due to the fact that the hostname changes whenever I log on to the network wirelessly, and this confuses the license manager. Ahh. Tech support helped me with this. You no longer need a license manager for Maple 6. Just put the license file obtained from Maple straight into the license folder.
Oh, I also may have had to symbolic link maple and xmaple to /usr/local/bin.
This was an old version of Maple - I doubt any problems installing a newer one!!!
urpmi f77
rpm -Uvh octave-2.1.44-1mdk.i586.rpm libfftw2-2.1.3-11mdk.i586.rpm libhdf5_0-1.4.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
As root, type:
urpmi ntp
The settings are in /etc/ntp.conf if you like to look, but you don't need to! (But you should - put in a local time server; for me, Unoptimised but fully functional clock setting will now occur whenever you boot! Simple, beautiful.
For optimisation, details:
After you've set that up, use ntpq -p as root to check what it's doing.
To backup a user directory, I set up drakBackup (ie use the all-purpose config tool) and make use of the .backupignore feature and a combo of CD-R and network and to-disk: see the Mandrake documentation: excellent. Oh but the software isn't. My backup was more than one CD's worth, and the drakbackup wasn't savvy, and its report doesn't claim anything's gone wrong: awful logging.
I'm not sure of all the details, but the following two lines done as root (could be put in /etc/cron.daily, for instance) does the magic! This gets the updates from Mandrake, auto-selects all of them, automatically installs them and leaves the rpm's downloaded in /var/cache/urpmi/rpms. You can leave out the -noclean switch if you don't want to keep the rpms.
# Check for any rpm updates from Mandrake
urpmi.update -a
urpmi -update -auto -auto-select -noclean
Alternatively, to do this ``manually'', type Alt-F2 and enter ``MandrakeUpdate'' in the dialog box, and click ``run''. But this interface seems awfully broken (latencies in ui) to me.
For whatever reason, when first doing the auto update above for Mandrake 9.2, I got an error:
The following packages have bad signatures: /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/apache2-2.0.47-6.3.92mdk.i586.rpm: Invalid Key ID (sha1 md5 gpg GPG#22458a98 OK)
I solved this (!?) by doing ``urpmi apache2'' first. I don't know why.
This auto updating also sometimes tells me that a file it just apparently just downloaded is missing. Since it gives the exact internet path (ftp://...) I just use wget followed by that location to get the file and put it in the /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/.
To upgrade Mandrake from 9.2 to 10 by downloading ISO's (I paid to join Mandrake Club) without bothering to burn CD's: I expanded the ISO of disc 1 into a temporary directory (see below). From it, I wrote the cdrom.img file to a floppy (could also write a couple others, to make network-installable version?). Then did installation (upgrade) using ISO's on disk.. .just boot floppy. See directions on CD 1, which are, unbelievably, written for MS-Windows-users!
mkdir /iso
mount -t iso9660 ~/mdk10iso/Mandrake91-cd1-inst.i586.iso /iso -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0
cp -fR /iso/* mdk10/.
umount /iso
Prepare boot floppy: Insert a good 1.44MB floppy in your floppy drive.
dd if=cdrom.img of=/dev/fd0
Argh. I couldn't get the CDrom floppy boot process to point to the hard drive, so I ended up opening the ISO's and using th hd-floppy boot...
(Taken originally from:§ion=1&group=223&product=531&part=830)
Satellite 2400 Series Specifications 2410-W9X: 1.90GHz (PS241C-2PW9XP)
CPU: Mobile Intel Pentium 4 Processor - M Clock Speed: 1.90 GHz Coprocessor: Integrated Coprocessor, 400 MHz PSB Cache: L1 Cache 12KB/8KB (instruction/data), L2 Cache 512KB
Standard: 256MB PC2100DDR Maximum: 1024MB (512MB+512MB) Expansion Modules: 128MB, 256MB, 512MB PC2100 DDR SODIMM modules BIOS ROM: 4Mbit capacity
Floppy Disk Drive: Built-in 1.44MB, 3.5" integrated Optical Drive: Built-in COMBO DRIVE DVD/CD-RW. 180ms DVD, 130ms CD Maximum speed: CD-R(16x), CD-RW(10x), CD-ROM(24x). ATAPI interface Hard Disk Drive: 40.0 billion bytes, 9.7mm height, Enhanced IDE, Access time 12ms read/12ms write
Display System
Type: TFT Active Matrix colour LCD display Size (diagonal): 15" TFT LCD Panel Resolution: 1,024x768x16.7 million colours External Support and Maximum Colour Support: 800 x 600 x 16.7 million colours (no clean stretch) 1,024 x 768 x 16.7 million colours 1,280 x 1,024 x 65,536 colours (virtual display) 1,600 x 1,200 x 65,536 colours (virtual display) Simultaneous Display Support: 1,024x768x16.7 million colours
Graphics Controller: NVIDIA GeForce 4 420. 3D and 2D accelerator. AGP bus. Simultaneous Display Capable. Open GL Support. Video Memory: 16MB DDR
Sound System: YMF753. Full duplex 16bit. Stereo. Direct 3D sound. External mic and headphone port. Volume Control dial, Built-in stereo speakers..
Modem: V.92 Data/Fax Modem, Ring Wake-up Resume LAN: 10/100 Ethernet LAN network interface card, Wake-up On LAN, remote boot. 802.11b wireless antenna built-in. Also requires PA3212U-2MPC wireless accessory module for full wireless function.
Memory: 2 slots total, one slot filled with 256MB, other slot empty. Empty slot can be filled with 128MB, 256MB, or 512MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM module. Maximum 1024MB RAM (512MB+512MB) PC Card Slots: 2 PC Card slot supports two Type II or Type III PC Cards, Supports Cardbus Ports: Parallel, RGB, infrared, 3 USB, 1 TV-Out, RJ11, RJ45, external microphone port, headphone port, SD Card Slot.
Keyboard and Pointing Device
Keyboard: Full sized 85 keys with 12 function keys 2.7mm keystroke, 6mm height Dedicated Windows Keys. Touchpad pointing device with scroll wheel Toshiba Console button Internet Button CD Control Function: Play/Pause, Stop/Eject, Previous, Skip/Next
Dimensions and Weight
Dimensions: 327 mm (W) x 286 mm (D) x 42 mm (H) Weight: 7.5 lbs
Operating System
Software: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Power Supply: 75W external Universal AC adaptor input voltage (100 \x{2013} 240V 50/60Hz Frequency (Universal), output voltage (15V, 5A). Dimensions: (WxHxD) 56mmx28mmx140mm Weight: 400g Battery Type: Removable, Rechargeable 9-cell Lithium Ion (Li-ion) 10.8V x 4500mAh capacity. Dimensions: (WxHxD) 174.5mmx70mmx18.5mm; Weight: 370g Battery Life: 2.5 hours Recharge Time: 3 hours off/ 3-10 hours on
Support: TSETUP support, APM support, ACPI support, PnP support, VESA support, DPMS support, DDC support, SM BIOS support, PCI BIOS support
Security: Cable lock slot, power on password
Environmental Specifications
Temperature: Operating 5^to 35^C (41^ to 95^F); Non Operating \x{2013}20^ to 65^C (-4^ to149^F) Thermal Gradient: Operating 15^ C per hr. max; Non Operating 20^ C per hr. max Relative Humidity: Operating 20% to 80% non-condensing; Non-Operating: 10% to 95% non-condensing Altitude (relative to sea level): Operating: -60 to 3,000m.; Non-Operating: -60 to 10,000m Shock: Operating: 7G; Non-Operating 60G Vibration: Operating 0.2G; Non-Operating: 1G
Toshiba Warranty: Canada and International Limited Warranty System unit: One year parts and labour Battery: One year Pre-installed software is excluded from TCL standard limited warranty Click here for complete details on this warranty program and other Warranty Programs such as On-site and Next Business Day Service.
Print Friendly page
Hard Disk Drives: *GB = billion bytes for hard drives, accessible capacity may be less.
**Data connection rates may vary depending on conditions.
CPU Disclaimer
All brand and product names are trademark of their respective companies.
Satellite 2400 Series Specifications
2410-W9X: 1.90GHz (PS241C-2PW9XP)
CPU: Mobile Intel Pentium 4 Processor - M
Clock Speed: 1.90 GHz
Coprocessor: Integrated Coprocessor, 400 MHz PSB
Cache: L1 Cache 12KB/8KB (instruction/data), L2 Cache 512KB
Standard: 256MB PC2100DDR
Maximum: 1024MB (512MB+512MB)
Expansion Modules: 128MB, 256MB, 512MB PC2100 DDR SODIMM modules
BIOS ROM: 4Mbit capacity
Floppy Disk Drive: Built-in 1.44MB, 3.5" integrated
Optical Drive: Built-in COMBO DRIVE DVD/CD-RW. 180ms DVD, 130ms CD
Maximum speed: CD-R(16x), CD-RW(10x), CD-ROM(24x). ATAPI interface
Hard Disk Drive: 40.0 billion bytes, 9.7mm height, Enhanced IDE, Access time 12ms read/12ms write
Display System
Type: TFT Active Matrix colour LCD display
Size (diagonal): 15" TFT
LCD Panel Resolution: 1,024x768x16.7 million colours
External Support and Maximum Colour Support: 800 x 600 x 16.7 million colours (no clean stretch)
1,024 x 768 x 16.7 million colours
1,280 x 1,024 x 65,536 colours (virtual display)
1,600 x 1,200 x 65,536 colours (virtual display)
Simultaneous Display Support: 1,024x768x16.7 million colours
Graphics Controller: NVIDIA GeForce 4 420. 3D and 2D accelerator. AGP bus. Simultaneous Display Capable. Open GL Support.
Video Memory: 16MB DDR
Sound System: YMF753. Full duplex 16bit. Stereo. Direct 3D sound.
External mic and headphone port. Volume Control dial,
Built-in stereo speakers..
Modem: V.92 Data/Fax Modem, Ring Wake-up Resume
LAN: 10/100 Ethernet LAN network interface card, Wake-up On LAN, remote boot. 802.11b wireless antenna built-in. Also requires PA3212U-2MPC wireless accessory module for full wireless function.
Memory: 2 slots total, one slot filled with 256MB, other slot empty. Empty slot can be filled with 128MB, 256MB, or 512MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM module. Maximum 1024MB RAM (512MB+512MB)
PC Card Slots: 2 PC Card slot supports two Type II or Type III PC Cards, Supports Cardbus
Ports: Parallel, RGB, infrared, 3 USB, 1 TV-Out, RJ11, RJ45, external microphone port, headphone port, SD Card Slot.
Keyboard and Pointing Device
Keyboard: Full sized 85 keys with 12 function keys
2.7mm keystroke, 6mm height
Dedicated Windows Keys.
Touchpad pointing device with scroll wheel
Toshiba Console button
Internet Button
CD Control Function: Play/Pause, Stop/Eject, Previous, Skip/Next
Dimensions and Weight
Dimensions: 327 mm (W) x 286 mm (D) x 42 mm (H)
Weight: 7.5 lbs
Operating System
Software: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Power Supply: 75W external Universal AC adaptor input voltage (100 ? 240V 50/60Hz Frequency (Universal), output voltage (15V, 5A).
Dimensions: (WxHxD) 56mmx28mmx140mm
Weight: 400g
Battery Type: Removable, Rechargeable 9-cell Lithium Ion (Li-ion) 10.8V x 4500mAh capacity.
Dimensions: (WxHxD) 174.5mmx70mmx18.5mm;
Weight: 370g
Battery Life: 2.5 hours
Recharge Time: 3 hours off/ 3-10 hours on
Support: TSETUP support, APM support, ACPI support, PnP support, VESA support, DPMS support, DDC support, SM BIOS support, PCI BIOS support
Security: Cable lock slot, power on password
Environmental Specifications
Temperature: Operating 5^to 35^C (41^ to 95^F); Non Operating ?20^ to 65^C (-4^ to149^F)
Thermal Gradient: Operating 15^ C per hr. max; Non Operating 20^ C per hr. max
Relative Humidity: Operating 20% to 80% non-condensing; Non-Operating: 10% to 95% non-condensing
Altitude (relative to sea level): Operating: -60 to 3,000m.; Non-Operating: -60 to 10,000m
Shock: Operating: 7G; Non-Operating 60G
Vibration: Operating 0.2G; Non-Operating: 1G
Toshiba Warranty: Canada and International Limited Warranty
System unit: One year parts and labour
Battery: One year
Pre-installed software is excluded from TCL standard limited warranty Click here for complete details on this warranty program and other Warranty Programs such as On-site and Next Business Day Service.
Print Friendly page
Hard Disk Drives: *GB = billion bytes for hard drives, accessible capacity may be less.
**Data connection rates may vary depending on conditions.
CPU Disclaimer
All brand and product names are trademark of their respective companies.
Design and specifications subject to change without notice.
-@-@Font: Default-@-@
visit /home/user/logs/ to see log files, including apache logs.
Endless games with .htaccess. :
The following only allows people from a certain subnet to log in, but requires a password from them:
AuthUserFile /path-to-.htpasswd AuthName "Security temporarily enhanced..."
Order deny,allow
Allow from 1.somesubnet.
Deny from all
require user afriend friendtwo
AuthUserFile /path-to-.htpasswd AuthName "Security temporarily enhanced..."
Order deny,allow
Allow from 1.somesubnet.
Deny from none
require user afriend friendtwo
oh, blast. here, finally, i found the old, old version:
AuthUserFile /homegrad/path-to.htpasswd
AuthName "Green College Members"
require user afriend friendtwo
Satisfy Any
<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from my.ip.addres.
require user afriend friendtwo
Actually, the above old version works fine.
Stata's tech support wrote to me to explain how things work when my license got stuck. This was very useful info that doesn't seem to be available elsewhere (?):
Dear Christopher,
This could be a problem with license tracking. I think it will be helpful for me to lay out in the open how our license checking works. Also, I think I know why your user is getting 'stuck' in your license, and I have a couple of suggestions for ways to prevent and work around this.
Stata uses a simple file to track simultaneous license usage. This file is
(the initial part of the path may of course vary depending on where you installed Stata).
This file contains "slots" for as many users as your license supports. Each slot holds four pieces of information
userid hostname instances time/date stamp
Each unique userid/hostname combination counts as 1 user. That is, if user 'bob' on host 'alpha' starts Stata 3 times, this only counts as 1 user. The license-tracking file does hold the number of instances in it, so it knows that 'bob' is running 3 Statas, but it only counts these three instances as 1 license position since all three instances are the same userid/hostname combination. When 'bob' exits one of those instances, the instance counter will go down to 2. When he exits all instances, the license counter will go to 0 and that license slot will be open for another user.
If 'bob' starts Stata once from host 'alpha' and ten times from host 'beta', this counts as 2 users (bob/alpha and bob/beta). bob/alpha will show 1 instance, bob/beta will show 10 instances, and everything works as I described in the paragraph above when 'bob' exits Stata.
While Stata is running for a particular user/host, it periodically checks the license file to make sure that it hasn't been manipulated in an attempt to get around the restriction on the number of users allowed by the license. When Stata does this, it updates the time/date stamp for the given userid/hostname combination. Think of this as Stata telling the license file "yes, I am still running".
When a new userid/hostname combination starts Stata, it looks for an open slot in the license-tracking file. A open slot is defined as one where the instance counter is 0, OR a slot where the time/date stamp is 12 or more hours old. If the time/date stamp hasn't been updated for 12 or more hours, then the instance or instances of Stata that were occupying that license position are considered to no longer be alive, and so the slot is freed for use by a new instance of Stata.
Therefore, at your site, even if you have a license position which is not freed when you think it should be, it should work itself out after 12 hours assuming that there really is not a copy of Stata running and associated with that slot in the license-tracking file. The only way the time/date stamp will be updated for that slot is if there is a running copy of Stata that is updating it. If the Stata is not running, the time/date stamp will not be updated, and 12 hours later, another Stata will be able to take over that slot.
The most common reason that license positions do not get returned properly to the license-tracking file is that users
1) start a console version of Stata
2) kill that console version of Stata by closing the window in which it was running without first typing -exit- to get out of Stata
This prevents Stata from running through its normal exit code and since it has been killed, it has no chance to remove itself from the license-tracking file.
The only other ways an instance of Stata can become stuck in the license-tracking file are if Stata crashes or if the user or system administrator explicitly uses Unix's 'kill' to kill a running Stata. Both of these are extremely rare of course.
My best guess is that you have users who are using the console version of Stata in a plain text window (such as an xterm or some sort of telnet or ssh application where they are connecting remotely) and they are closing the window in which Stata is running without first typing -exit- in Stata to allow Stata to exit normally and close out its license position. Killing Stata in this manner has other bad side effects beyond the stuck license positions, such as leftover tempfiles and unsaved preferences.
As a first step, you should try to train your users in the proper way to exit Stata whether they are running the console or GUI version of Stata:
type -exit- in Stata; don't close the window in which Stata is running or kill Stata in any way other than typing -exit-.
In the case of the X windows version, Stata creates its own window and so when you close that window, Stata types an -exit- command to itself, so everything is ok.
Hopefully this will cut down on some of the problems.
As system administrator, you can see what users are holding license positions. As root, you can always start Stata even if all license positions are full. After starting Stata, you can type
to see the user/host information as well as the instance count. You will see something like
. who
User Host Instances -------------------------- arr ozymandias 2
1 users
If you notice that certain users are consistently 'stuck' in the license, you should work with them to make sure they are exiting Stata properly.
As superuser, you can reset the license tracking file in case of emergency. This can cause problems, however, which I will explain below.
To reset the license tracking file, start Stata as root and type
. simulinit, replace
This will empty the license tracking file.
Here is the problem with doing that: each copy of Stata that really was running "knows" where it should be in that file. Remember I said above that a running Stata periodically updates the time/date stamp in the license tracking file. When it does this, it verifies that the userid/hostname combination that it knows is running Stata is the SAME as the one in the slot in which it is trying to update the time/date stamp. There are three possibilities:
1) the userid/hostname is the same (true as long as you haven't reset the license-tracking file): Stata updates the time/date stamp
2) there is no userid/hostname combination there; the slot is empty (true if you reset the license-tracking file): Stata puts itself back in the slot and updates the time/date stamp
3) there is a DIFFERENT userid/hostname combination there; someone else has taken over the slot (true if you reset the license-tracking file and another instance of Stata from someone else starts before a currently-running Stata has a chance to re-check its slot): Now you have a problem. Stata has detected that something has gone wrong with the license-tracking file or that it is being manipulated. Stata is willing to forgive this...for a short time. Stata notes to itself that it wasn't able to find itself in the license tracking file. Some time later, Stata tries again. When it does, hopefully the other copy of Stata that took over the slot is gone and Stata will be able to re-insert itself into the proper slot in the license tracking file. If it cannot do this, however, Stata tells the user that the tracking file has been manipulated. At this point the user is only allowed to save their data and exit Stata. No other commands will work.
To summarize, my recommendations are
- train users to exit Stata properly
- as root, use Stata's -who- command to find out which users are consistently 'stuck' in the file; come down on them as system administrator about their bad habits
- if you absolutely have to, as root, use 'simulinit, replace' inside Stata to reset the license tracking file. As long as no new Stata jobs start by the time all the existing Stata jobs have a chance to put themselves back in the file, everything will be ok.
I guess my needs for census shapes analysis are: can do polygon unions and intersections.
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual page.
# (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command:
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
Section "Files"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/CID"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"
# paths to defoma fonts
FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"
FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/CID"
Section "Module"
Load "GLcore"
Load "i2c"
Load "bitmap"
Load "ddc"
Load "dri"
Load "extmod"
Load "freetype"
Load "glx"
Load "int10"
Load "type1"
Load "vbe"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
Driver "kbd"
Option "CoreKeyboard"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "ALPS"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "AlwaysCore"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/alps"
Option "Protocol" "event"
Option "LeftEdge" "120"
Option "RightEdge" "830"
Option "TopEdge" "120"
Option "BottomEdge" "650"
Option "FingerLow" "14"
Option "FingerHigh" "15"
Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
Option "MaxTapMove" "110"
Option "ClickTime" "0"
Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75"
Option "VertScrollDelta" "10"
Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0"
Option "MinSpeed" "0.45"
Option "MaxSpeed" "0.75"
Option "AccelFactor" "0.020"
Option "EdgeMotionMinSpeed" "200"
Option "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed" "200"
Option "UpDownScrolling" "1"
Option "CircularScrolling" "0"
Option "CircScrollDelta" "0.1"
Option "CircScrollTrigger" "2"
Option "SHMConfig" "true"
Section "Device"
Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go]"
Driver "nvidia"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
# REst of this section by cpbl, from settings used under Mandriva...
BusID "AGP:01:00:0"
Option "DPMS"
Option "CursorShadowYOffset" "2"
Option "CursorShadowXOffset" "4"
Option "NoLogo"
#Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP, CRT"
# TV Twinview - This seems to do nothing!
Option "TwinView" "1"
Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "30-70"
Option "MetaModes" "1024x768 @1024x768,1024x768 @1024x768; 800x600 @800x600,800x600 @800x600; 640x480 @640x480,640x480 @640x480"
#Option "TVStandard" "PAL-N"
Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "60-100"
Option "TwinViewOrientation" "Clone"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Generic Monitor"
Option "DPMS"
HorizSync 28-51
VertRefresh 43-60
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Device "NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go]"
Monitor "Generic Monitor"
DefaultColorDepth 24
### added by cpbl for mdk10, see Thosten page for satellite 2410:
Option "NoDDC" "1"
###END: added by cpbl for mdk10, see Thosten page for satellite 2410:
Subsection "Display"
Depth 8
Virtual 1024 768
Subsection "Display"
Depth 15
Virtual 1024 768
Subsection "Display"
Depth 16
Virtual 1024 768
Subsection "Display"
Depth 24
Virtual 1024 768
Option "NvAgp" "3"
# Option "IgnoreEDID" "1"
Option "DigitalVibrance" "0 # Picture improvement
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
InputDevice "ALPS"
Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 resume=/dev/hda6 splash=silent
initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img
By the way, I found xev to be a useful tool for debugging the touchpad: it just reports X events.
urpmi.addmedia distrib_mirrors.secsup.org_i586_2005LimitedEdition with ./media_info/
urpmi.addmedia club.comm_i586_2005LimitedEdition with ./media_info/
urpmi.addmedia updates_mirrors.secsup.org_i586_2005LimitedEdition with ./media_info/
urpmi.addmedia club.contrib_mirror.aca.oakland.edu_i586_2005LimitedEdition with
public: urpmi.addmedia plf-free with urpmi.addmedia plf-nonfree with urpmi.addmedia -update updates with media_info/ urpmi.addmedia main with media_info/ urpmi.addmedia contrib with media_info/ urpmi.addmedia jpackage with media_info/